Australian Rainfall and Runoff: A Guide to Flood Estimation

Ball J, Babister M, Nathan R, Weeks W, Weinmann E, Retallick M, Testoni I, (Editors) - Geoscience Australia , 21 December, 2016

The ARR was last updated in 1997. Since then, our understanding of the complexity of the Australian landscape has grown. This understanding has been gained through the collection and analysis of new data, reflective of Australia’s variable landscape. In previous versions of the ARR, only limited Australian data was available so overseas models were applied in many cases. The 2016 revision includes all Australian data, including a national database of extreme flood hazards and 30 years of over 8000 rainfall gauges across the Nation. Not only does the ARR 2016 make use of rich historical data but its dynamic development will allow new data and information to be used as it becomes available.

The revision of the ARR would not have been possible without the support and funding from the Australian Government as well as the significant contributions from Engineers Australia members, flood practitioners and academia. This collaborative effort is a testament of the community, industry, academia and government to improve our understanding the nature of flooding to reduce the social and economic impacts will contribute to building resilient communities.

Available on Geoscience Australia’s Australian Rainfall and Runoff site