On the 16 and 17 of March the Snowy Mountains hosted the Australian ADCP Regatta 2017.
The Regatta consisted of a field day on the Thredbo River at Paddys Corner, followed by a short session on bathymetry techniques on the Murrumbidgee in Cooma before wrapping up with a discussion session at the Snowy Hydro Discovery Centre, Cooma. The even gave participants a great opportunity to explore a range of objectives.
Overall the Regatta was attended by fifty four participants, representing five states and territories, along with a representative from New Zealand’s Marlborough District Council. Overall the participating organisations represented a good mix of private and public hydrometric service providers, consultants and vendors.
Participating Organisations were:
- ALS Hydrographics;
- Bureau of Metrology;
- Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP);
- Department of Water WA (now Department of Water and Environmental Regulation);
- Manly Hydraulics Lab;
- Marlborough District Council, New Zealand;
- Onyx ECS;
- Snowy Hydro Limited;
- Ventia;
- WaterNSW;
Vendors’ onsite included:
- HyQuest Solutions;
- Xylem Analytics; and
- Blue Zone Group.
This article is a summary of the events, results and outcomes from the regatta with recommendations and suggestions for future events.