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These qualifications are part of the AHA training package. Industry Subjects offered meet or exceed the requirements of an equivalent Unit of Competency defined by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). Studying through AHA and delivered by Timber Training Creswick (RTOid 4168) can lead to two qualifications:

Diploma and Skill Set


These qualifications cover skills and knowledge to obtain a broad range of skills in hydrometric monitoring. They allow experienced staff to apply advanced practice and develop leadership roles.

This cooperative delivery is solely for the Skill Set and the Hydrometric Monitoring specialisation of the Diploma.

Target Students:

The target student group is existing workers who are Australia citizens or permanent residents working in the hydrometric monitoring industry who are seeking to gain these qualifications.

Course Entry Requirements:

  1. Students courses has no published entry requirements.
  2. TTC requires that learners be working in Hydrometric monitoring at enrolment in order for them to be able to do the learning exercises.
  3. Minimum age of entry: Suggested as 18 due to the need to conduct some operations under extreme weather events.

Student Identification Requirements:

  • USI (Unique Student Identifier) required.  If you do not have a USI, get a USI now.
  • Other photo ID is needed to verify the identity of the individual taking part.

Credit Arrangements:

Candidates will be evaluated on enrolment for any potential Recognition of Current Competency (RCC) or Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).

Course Requirements/ structure:

To be awarded NWPSS00013 Hydrometric Monitoring Basics (Skill Set) a student must complete the 3 Units of Competency (UoC) listed below .

To be awarded NWP50118 Diploma of Water Industry Operations (Hydrometric Operations) a student must complete a total of 10 Units of  Competency (UoC). If they have completed the Skill Set, they need to complete 7 additional units.

Note: The syllabus of each Industry Subject (defined by AHA) meets or exceeds the requirements of the corresponding Unit of Competency (defined by ASQA at training.gov.au).

Industry Subject Title UoC Code Unit of Competency Title
Semester 1
CC6 Water quality monitoring AHCLPW313 Undertake sampling and testing of water Skill Set
CC2 Gaugings NWPHYD007 Measure discharge using wading method Skill Set
CC4 Hydrometric site operations NWPHYD008 Operate, maintain and decommission monitoring sites Skill Set
Semester 2
F10 Regulation / legislation NWPGEN016 Interpret and comply with regulatory requirements Core unit
F11 Health and Safety TLIF4014 Develop and maintain a safe workplace Core unit
CC9 Applied hydraulics NWPHYD002 Apply principles of open channel hydraulics Elective
Semester 3
CC3 Ratings NWPHYD003 Develop and maintain ratings Elective
CC8 Surveying of monitoring sites NWPHYD009 Undertake surveying of monitoring sites Elective
Semester 4
CC1 Hydrometric data NWPHYD005 Process and report hydrographic time series data Elective
EC2 Project management BSBPMG430 Undertake project work General Elective

Student intakes:

Enrolments are open each year:

  • Cohort 1: Enrolments close 8 February
  • Cohort 2: Enrolments close 2 July


  1. Start date: 1 March
    Deadline for students to complete all assessment tasks: 31 May
    Deadline for trainers to complete assessment of all student tasks: 30 June
  2. Start date: 1 August
    Deadline for students to complete all assessment tasks: 31 October
    Deadline for trainers to complete assessment of all student tasks: 30 November

Two year plan:

For each candidate, AHA and TTC will create a two year personal training plan online with the order of subjects and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)/credits.

Customised plans:

For anyone outside this standard program, we customise the personal training plan because a candidate:

  1. is starting late so can’t do all the subjects in a block, or
  2. needs to do some subjects out of order for work reasons, or
  3. applies for Recognition of Prior Learning: Where a candidate believes they have previously completed a unit or course of study which covers the same elements and performance criteria, the candidate can apply to TTC for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) against the equivalent Diploma unit. (This process requires rigid mapping and comparison of elements and performance criteria)
  4. applies for Credits for units studied previously: Where a candidate has previously completed a unit listed by the Department of Education and Training as part of the Diploma of Water Industry Operations NWP50715 or other VET course†, TTC may recognise a credit transfer/RPL as part of the requirements for the Diploma.


Price per Industry Subjects / Unit of Competency:

  • Full price: AU$1250 per unit (no GST applicable)
  • AHA Member discounted price: AU$985 per unit (no GST applicable)

‡Price for RPL per Unit of Competency based on previous study and experience:

  • Full price: AU$600 (no GST applicable)
  • AHA Member discounted price: AU$500 (no GST applicable)

†Price for credit transfer or RPL for an equivalent Unit of Competency:

  • No charge

Re-enrolment fee (if subject not completed in semester of enrolment)

  • $250 per Industry Subject / Unit of Competency
    This fee will be charged under general circumstances but AHA reserves the right to waive all or part of the fee.

Student Information:

Commencement process

Step 1.
If you do not already have a USI (Unique Student Identifier),
create your USI now.

Step 2.
Create a free Google Account (e.g. gmail address or account linked to another email address) if you don’t already have one.

Step 3.
Complete the Diploma expresssion of interest form
see below.

Step 4.
On receipt of the form,
AHA and TTC will carry out a pre-training review and assist you to complete enrolment if you wish to proceed.

Step 5.
AHA and TTC will prepare a detailed 2 year training plan which will be made available to you online.

Step 6.
Each semester, AHA will review your progress,
and then invoice you for the next units and subjects as listed in your training plan.

More information

Diploma expression of interest form

View form in separate window

If your employer blocks access to Google resources and you cannot see the form, try accessing this page on your phone.