WEBCAST: NZ National Environmental Monitoring Standards: I am sorry, but it’s here to stay

Jeff Watson - National Environmental Monitoring Standards , 17 March, 2020

Presented at NZ Hydrological Society Technical Workshop 17-20 March 2020


As Chairman of the National Environmental Monitoring Standards (NEMS) Steering Group I am frequently asked “How many organisations have adopted NEMS” or “How many sites are meeting NEMS”.  The “short” answer is every organisation and every site. The long answer is a little more complex.

NEMS is not about Quality Coding data. NEMS is about ensuring that you have processes in place coupled with a sound knowledge of what you are supposed to be doing, in order to ensure that you are collecting good data. Coding your data from any reasonable recording site at anything other than QC 600, should be the exception.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” – Charles Darwin

Presenter bio

Jeff WatsonJeff has been employed within hydrology in New Zealand since commencing work in 1969. Most recently as Manager Catchment Data at Horizons Regional Council where he led a team of 20 staff involved in the collection, processing and analyses of hydrological and other continuously recorded environmental data. In this role he was also responsible for providing region wide flood warnings, undertaking flood mapping and assisting that councils Science Team with water allocation issues. Since he semi-retired, a year ago, Jeff has continued in his part-time role as Chairman of the National Environmental Monitoring Standards Steering Group.

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