Reintroducing the Water Monitoring Standardisation Technical Committee (WaMSTeC) the Birthplace of your National Guidelines

Jacquie Bellhouse - WaMSTeC Secretariat , 30 June, 2021

In December 2010, in association with a range of initiatives resulting from the Water Act 2007 (Cth), the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) invited water information stakeholders to participate in the Water Information Standards Business Forum (the Forum). The Forum was a national body of water industry representatives including the Bureau tasked with coordinating the development of water information standards. Forum membership was drawn from hydrometric data collecting organisations across Australia, both public and private sector, which were determined to support or have a stake in the water information industry.

The Forum ceased to operate in October 2014, but its primary functions and activities, valued by its attendees, transitioned to the Water Monitoring Standardisation Technical Committee (WaMSTeC). Forum members were invited to continue involvement in coordination of water resource monitoring standardisation activities via WaMSTeC.