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Notice of 2023 AGM

AHA Services - 06 June, 2024

To Members of the Australian Hydrographers Association.

Please be advised of the following information regarding the 2023, 43rd Annual General Meeting of the Australian Hydrographers Association Incorporated.

Notice of 2023 Annual General Meeting

of The Australian Hydrographers Association (Inc)

19 June 2024

Date/Time:   Wednesday 19 June 2024, 12:00pm – 1:00pm AEST 

Location:       Virtual, Microsoft Teams

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 417 321 005 980

Passcode: ntzR9X



1.      Attendees

2.      Apologies

3.      Confirm the Minutes of the 2022, 42nd Annual General Meeting held 25 May 2023

4.      Receive Committee Reports

  • President’s Report – A. Corbett

5.      Receive and consider the Financial Statements for the 2022 year 

6.      Elect Office-Bearers of the Association and Ordinary Committee Members

The following positions are listed for election at this Annual General Meeting:

  • President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Three (3) Committee Members

7.      General Business

  • There is no General Business.

8.      Other matters raised at the AGM and taken on notice

Other matters raised in the course of this AGM shall be taken on notice and the Committee shall consider and prepare a response for circulation following Ordinary Meetings of the Committee, subsequent to this Annual General Meeting.

9.      Next Meeting

Date of 2024, 44th  Annual General Meeting – November 2024

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