Alex Miller was a hydrographer with Sydney Water, instrumental in the revistalisation of the AHA in 2000.

The Alex Miller award is presented at each AHA Conference to the person that the audience votes delivered the best paper. The award consists of a perpetual trophy showing all past and future winners and an invitation to present at the New Zealand Hydrological Society Technical Workshop.
Winners of the Alex Miller Award are:
Year | Location | Speaker(s) | Employer |
2002 | Sydney | Dave Williams | NT Water Resources |
2004 | Gold Coast | Luke Bloedel and Arran Corbett | Department of Natural Resources Mines and Energy, Qld |
2006 | Darwin | Dr Stuart Minchin | CSIRO |
2008 | Canberra | Mark Wolf | Greenspan |
2010 | Perth | Michael Harris | Department of Water, WA |
2012 | Melbourne | Natalie Noakes | Sydney Water |
2014 | Sydney | Harrison Schofield | Sydney Water |
2016 | Canberra | Peter Waugh | NT Department of Environment and Natural Resources |
2018 | Canberra | Mark Randall | Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy, Qld |
2023 | Penrith | Robbie Heane | WaterNSW |