Webinar: Encouraging Uptake of Wastewater | A water authority perspective

25 June 2021


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Encouraging Uptake of Wastewater | A water authority perspective

Presented by Dr Rowan Barling (South East Water) and Richard Campbell (Hydroterra)


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You are invited to the next free expert webinar in the HydroTerra Webinar Series. 

South East Water is an industry leader in the provision of alternate water supplies to its customers. Despite having access to treated wastewater, cost effectively distributing this water to its customer base to maximise uptake comes with many challenges.

At this time, investigations and business cases are underway/completed for four large schemes. Additional opportunities to use recycled water also exist at many of South East Water’s eight water recycling plants and also along the length of the South Eastern Outfall. 

Dr Rowan Barling will share South East Water‘s story, including those factors that increase the likelihood of a win/win outcome for both South East Water and recycled water customers.

His presentation will look at answering the following questions:

  • What are the parameters that a water utility needs to consider?
  • What are the factors that make it more likely to have win/win outcomes for both the utility and customers?
  • Where are the current opportunities across the south-east of Melbourne?

The insights of Dr Barling – the Alternative Water Planning Manager at South East Water – will be well worth your time.

Register here.


Dr Rowan Barling
Dr Rowan Barling is the Alternative Water Planning Manager at South East Water.  For the past 2.5 years he (and others) have been investigating a range of potential recycled water schemes across the south-east region of Melbourne.  Rowan has over 30 years’ experience in the water industry having worked as a consulting engineer, for water utilities (Rural Water Corporation and South East Water) and also for the Victorian Government.

This free webinar will be held at 12.30pm AEST on Friday 25 June.

Register now